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ID 2629 NZ Countryside Hills & Mountains
ID 2680 Green Pastures Ardmore, Aerial
ID 2682 Rolling Green Pastures 2, Aerial
ID 29 Auckland City Traffic lights 3
ID 2681 Rolling Green Pastures, Aerial
ID 2631 NZ Countryside Farmland & River, Aerial
ID 2683 Huntly Power Station 1 AERIAL
ID 3549 Mt Ruapehu and Green Pastures 2 AERIAL
ID 2696 Rakino Island, Aerial
ID 3548 Mt Ruapehu and Green Pastures 1 AERIAL
ID 859 Loop
ID 4786 Multiple Pulsating Lightning Strikes
ID 781 Moon Zoom
ID 129 Pacific Hibiscus Flowers Green
ID 2630 NZ Countryside Farmland & Swamp
ID 1265 Traffic Light Animated 1
ID 3354 Huntly Power Station 2 AERIAL
ID 654 Around The World
ID 2686 Snowy Mountain Reveal, Aerial
ID 858 Leaves
ID 1892 Dugong Sea Creature 2
ID 699 Crosspoints
ID 836 Code 3 HR
ID 2628 NZ Countryside Hills, Aerial
ID 2693 Windfarm, AERIAL
ID 2609 Wellington Coast and Lighthouse, Aerial
ID 2608 Wellington Airport Golf Course, Aerial
ID 693 Coloured Stripes
ID 5057 Grader Earth Moving Machine 1
ID 5089 Caterpillar Graders Earth Movers 1
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