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ID 1158 Kea Parrot and Car 1
Still image frame available
ID 28984 Octopus attacked by a moray and flees 01
ID 26502 Surgeon shakes patient to get blood flowing
ID 27316 Heart beating during aneurysm surgery (2 of 2)
ID 1895 Bomber WW2 Plane Underwater 2
ID 23498 Tubes carry blood from a bypass machine (3 of 8)
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 26632 Computer Screen Accounts 2
ID 23851 Surgeon makes incisions for laparoscopic surgery (1 of 4)
ID 23856 IV drip during laparoscopy (5 of 5)
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 26630 Computer Screen Accounts 1
Still image frame available
ID 1698 Dog Digging 1
ID 23849 Medical staff in hallway (1 of 2)
Still image frame available
ID 29021 Ants feeding on termites 4/4
ID 33088 Little blue penguin with 1 eye turns
ID 33086 Little Blue penguin looks at camera CU
ID 1896 Bomber World War 2 Plane Underwater 3
ID 1898 Bomber WW2 Plane Underwater 5
ID 1897 Bomber Plane Underwater 4
ID 1894 Bomber Plane Underwater 1
Still image frame available
ID 1699 Dog Digging 2
ID 24154 identity theft cyber criminal virus bot net botnet
ID 19052 Dog Securing the Area Looking out Window
ID 26629 Computer Screen Accounts 3
ID 21370 Surgeon uses electrocautery during surgery
ID 23846 Doctor scrubs for surgery (2 of 3)
ID 21480 Beautiful and sweet kittens, playing together
ID 21367 Operating room lights and surgical technicians
ID 23850 Surgical wing in hospital (4 of 4)
ID 23843 Heart lung bypass equipment in use
ID 26441 Surgical table with operation in background
ID 23858 Spinal procedure (14 of 15)
ID 26439 Blood flows through medical tubing
ID 21479 Beautiful and sweet kittens, playing together
ID 23839 Precision tools for surgery
ID 21478 Beautiful and sweet kittens, playing together
ID 26434 Surgeons work together in operating room
ID 26508 Closeup of surgeon's hands near heart and bypass tubes
ID 21455 Vitals and ultrasound monitors
ID 26440 Used surgical rags (1 of 2)
ID 26445 Medical specimen (1 of 2)
ID 26442 IV bag of anticoagulant during surgery
ID 23857 Spinal surgery patient (4 of 4)
ID 26498 Cell saver machine (3 of 4)
ID 24089 dead guy deadguy
ID 24057 heart condition heart attack problems health
ID 26447 Rib retractor being prepared for surgery
ID 26512 Spinal surgery (10 of 15)
ID 26444 Surgeon uses sternum saw during open heart surgery
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