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ID 18826 MS, Time lapse, Pages turning of Diary and closing
ID 23989 mysterious language scientist discuss alien heiroglyphs
ID 18835 WS, Time laps, Counting down days of month on desk calender.
ID 18853 MS, Time Lapse, Flicking trough Diary
ID 18816 MS, Time lapse, Hand flicking trough pages of Diary
ID 18811 MS, Time Lapse, Pages turning of Diary
ID 18866 MS, time lapse, Turning pages of dates backwards
ID 18837 MS, Male writing note and typing on laptop
ID 18846 WS, Counting down days of month on desk calender.
ID 18820 WS, Time lapse, Hand turning pages of DiaryHand turning pages of Diary
ID 18884 MS, Male writing note and typing on laptop
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