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ID 27294 Red blood cells
ID 27314 Coronary angiogram
ID 23746 8-Hospice Doctor Measuring Blood Pressure To Senior Woman
ID 27313 Heart lung bypass during surgery (1 of 4)
ID 27293 Young female scientist uses microscope
ID 27309 Robotic surgical procedure (5 of 15)
ID 27320 Surgeon prepares for rib retraction
ID 27312 Surgeons watch monitor while performing laparoscopic surgery (12of 18)
ID 27297 IV drip during robotic hysterectomy surgery (5 of 7)
ID 27310 Monitoring patient vitals during surgery (5 of 5)
ID 27298 Robotic surgery of the uterus (14 of 15)
ID 27322 Rib retractors positioned for use
ID 27303 A seriously infected appendix (1 of 6)
ID 27306 Surgical team performing laparoscopic procedure (6 of 7)
ID 23748 10-Senior Women Playing Card Game In Hospice
ID 27300 Surgeons hands during laparascopic surgery (1 of 12)
ID 27289 Surgical Preparations (1 of 1)
ID 31435 Covid 19 young man enters vaccination room
ID 31436 Covid 19 Vaccination booth Close up
ID 32406 Woman Takes Seat And Waits At Covid Vaccine Booth
ID 32412 Doctors Observation Area Hand Held
ID 32405 Woman Waits At Covid Vaccine Booth While Nurse Walks Past
Exclusive Still image frame available
ID 33138 Whangarei Hospital TL 2
ID 32402 Woman Waits At Covid Vaccine Booth
ID 32438 Woman Getting Vaccine 22
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